William B. White, Esq.
Attorney & Counselor at Law
Most people have several questions when facing legal issues. I am pleased to help you find the answers.
Flagler County Divorce Lawyer
Are you ready to File for Divorce in Palm Coast?
Have you Been Served in Flagler Beach?
Are you simply not sure what to do?
Call me directly at 386-693-3293 to discuss the next steps regarding your divorce.
If I am available I will be pleased to take your call if not I commit to get back to you by the end of the day.
A Florida Divorce can be simple and it can also be extremely complicated. It is best to learn your options before taking the next step. No two people are the same and no two marriages are the same. It is important to seek the advice of an attorney if the time has come to dissolve your marriage.
1. If the spouses can reach agreement on all these issues, then the divorce is uncontested.
2. If, however, the spouses cannot agree, the divorce is contested. The spouses may go to trial to resolve the issues. This usually means that a family court judge will make the final decisions. Even if there is a single issue in dispute your divorce is contested
3. If there are no children, no debts and no property the couple can seek a simplified divorce with the assistance of self help desks at most county courthouses.

Resolving Issues During Divorce
Before a divorce may be granted, five basic issues typically must be resolved. They are:
Property division
Debt division
Parenting time
Child support
These issues can become very complicated and it is important to speak with an attorney prior to making any final decisions. Once things are finalized in court, it is very difficult if not impossible to make changes.